stand by me
- 支持我;【电影】站在我这边

I love the way you stand by me through any kind of weather .
Would you stand by me , let me hold you tight .
Come over here and stand by me .
Oh yeah , oh my darling , stand by me .
Once depleted , will they still stand by me
Cause it 's been , like , two minutes and you haven 't even brought up Stand By Me .
I was able to do myself justice , and had great friends to stand by me too .
Mark : That reminds me of a great film . It 's called Stand by Me .
" You all must stand by me and not leave me alone with him for one minute ," cried scarlett .
When I was down in the pits , he and Henry still chose to stand by me .
Here 's something important which people might call bad advice , but I 'm sure you 'll stand by me when I 'm finished saying why .
May I depend on you to stand by me and my daughters , then , deer-slayer ?
Chuck : ''The worst thing I ever did , the darkest thought I ever had , you said you would stand by me through anything .
Phoenix was a part of movies like Stand by Me and The Mosquito Coast - making it easy or his parents to sustain themselves financially .
The manga movie Stand By Me Doraemon became the first Japanese movie to be shown in China in nearly three years as it opened here on Thursday .
My parents stand by me when it comes to waiting for the right guy to come along , but they too face extreme pressure from relatives and everyone in their circle .
He sang Ben E. King 's " Stand By Me " - chosen because he felt it captured the enduring relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom .
In The Vampire Diaries Season 4 , Episode 15 , Stand by Me , half the wandering Mystic Falls crew heads home , while others stay behind on the Canadian island .
A gospel choir sang the Ben E. King anthem " Stand By Me , " and the couple exited to Etta James singing " This Little Light of Mine . "
He 's also done local posters for " Shoplifters " ( also known as " Manbiki Kazoku " ) , a live-action Japanese movie released earlier this year , and the 2014 CG " Stand By Me Doraemon " film .